Create amazing buildings in this fun unit with art lesson plans inspired by architecture. There are exciting drawing, painting, collage and printmaking projects to create, inspired by Paul Klee and Dr Seuss. There’s a city skyline to draw and paint and a collagraph house printmaking project to try.
Architecture Art for Kindergarten, Grade 1 and Grade 2
Create a sweet house artwork using a template or create your own. Print a brick pattern with foam rectangles and add plant and flower details for a fun building-based artwork. This project can be individualised so children can create a house like their own. This project involves, painting, printing, collage and drawing.
Learn about Austrian artist Paul Klee and be inspired by his building and sun artwork. Create print block s and add drawings details to create a colourful artwork on a dark blue background. Learn about pattern, shape, repetition and colour to create this fun work on paper.
Architecture Art Lesson Plans for Grades 3 and 4
Discover your city in silhouette with this fun watercolour and drawing artwork. Your grade 3 and 4 students will love seeing their city in a whole new way. This project can be adapted to create an artwork of your country’s capital or to any city location. Use a reference photograph and draw the outline in pencil. Follow through the easy steps to create a stunning colourful artwork. The colour scheme can be adapted to make a nighttime silhouette or any colour scheme of your choosing.
Try collagraph printmaking with recycled materials. Have lots of cardboard and packing papers? This is a great project to use them up. Create a collagraph house form recycled materials. Try out printing in black and colouring with water colour. You can also make a frottage or rubbing with the same print plate to create a series of artworks.
Architecture Art Lesson Plans for Grades 5 and 6
Create a row of stunning townhouses with painted paper collage. We have been inspired by the old world feel of winter in Prague, Czech Republic. This project could be adapted to suit townhouses in your city or town. This artwork requires patience and an eye for detail to get all the features of the buildings added in. Kids will need to create subtle colour differences and learn about shape and contrast to complete this artwork.
Dr Seuss was a beloved children’s author and illustrator, best known for his ‘Cat in the Hat’ and ‘Green Eggs and Ham’ books. His illustrations are whimsical and most of his buildings had no straight lines when they were drawn, even when he was representing real objects. Draw a four-storey crazy house and add fun details such as a basketball, outdoor stairs, hanging balconies and anything else you can dream up! A great project to get the imagination fired up. Kids will learn about using colour to create depth and perspective, using a limited colour palette, form, colour and shape.
Related Art Lessons
Students will have fun creating a range of artworks based on deadly and dangerous animals and sea creatures. Find out fun facts and create artworks of lions, snakes, poison dart frogs, blue-ringed octopus and lionfish. We'll use stylised and realistic techniques to bring a variety of different projects to life, based on some of the deadliest and dangerous creatures on earth. In this unit, we'll use collage, painting, drawing, mixed media and craft, whilst having fun.
Dive in deep to the vibrant and diverse world beneath the waves! In this series of lessons, we will explore the beauty and mystery of aquatic life experiment with painting, drawing, collage, and sculpture, to capture the movement, colours, and textures of the aquatic world.
Students will have fun creating a range of Arctic and Antarctic themed artworks. We'll use stylised and realistic techniques to bring a variety of different projects from the coldest regions on Earth to life! In this unit, we'll use collage, painting, drawing, printmaking, mixed media and craft, whilst having fun learnng aobut the farthest reaches of the planet.